One Man’s Experiences: Major Rufus Dawes and the Battle of Antietam – D. Scott Hartwig
Join us on Monday, July 15 as historian D. Scott Hartwig follows the experiences of Major Rufus Dawes of the [...]
Join us on Monday, July 15 as historian D. Scott Hartwig follows the experiences of Major Rufus Dawes of the [...]
William Franklin and John Walker If you discover a Civil War general has suddenly disappeared from the historical literature after [...]
What was it like to be a cadet at West Point for five years immediately prior to the Civil War? [...]
Most everyone who has visited the original Antietam Visitors Center and ventured downstairs has seen James Hope’s five panoramic paintings [...]
Towering over the Potomac River and Harpers Ferry from the north is Maryland Heights, the key to success for both [...]
Busy with pursuits at home in Rhode Island, Robert Hale Ives, Jr., who was born in 1837, did not immediately [...]
A universal desire for both soldiers and civilians alike is to leave something behind, something to prove you were there, [...]
We carry a wide selection of local history and Civil War books. Many of our books are written by local [...]
Join us on Wednesday, August 17 form Jim's presentation - “The Artillery at Antietam - New Insights”. The talk will [...]
"No Time for Prayer" by Dan Nance: The Ohio Brigade advances towards the Dunker Church during the Battle of [...]
N. Gen. Fitz John Porter and staff (LOC) For decades, news accounts published days after Antietam undergirded biting [...]
Veterans of the 9th NY Vol. at the monument dedication in 1897. On Wednesday, July 6, Dr. Tom [...]