Experience Antietam National Battlefield from a different perspective via interpretive themes. This presentation will review what interpretive themes are, offer examples with reference sources and explain how they can make a visit to the battlefield more enriching and memorable. It aligns with and enhances his published essay on the same topic in The Antietam Institute Journal, Volume III, September 2022. On Wednesday, June 14, Richard P. D’Ambrisi will present Interpretive Themes For Experiencing Antietam National Battlefield .

Richard D’Ambrisi has been a Civil War civilian living historian since 1986 and a volunteer at numerous events, museums, and historical sites. He is a Certified Interpretive Guide with the National Association for Interpretation and a member of the Antietam Institute. Richard has developed characterizations of a mid-19th Century ballist, pothecary, phrenologist, and railroad employee.
Come join leading historians and Antietam Battlefield Guides as they discuss intriguing topics of the Maryland Campaign of 1862 and the Civil War during our Civil War Summer Lecture Series.
These outdoors programs will be held at the Jacob Rohrbach Inn on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. These outdoor programs are free and open to the public. To ensure adequate seating, please bring a chair. In case of inclement weather, lectures will be held at the Sharpsburg Christ Reformed UCC Church at 117 Main Street. For updates and changes to the schedule check our Facebook page.
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