Our 2024 summer lecture series kicks off on June 3rd with Jim Rosebrock, presenting “The Empire State at Antietam”. The State of New York contributed more regiments and artillery batteries than any state, Union or Confederate at the Battle of Antietam. All told, 67 infantry regiments, five cavalry regiments, and 13 batteries of artillery were present on the fields around Sharpsburg. While the stories of such legendary units as the Irish Brigade are well known, Jim Rosebrock will talk about a number of the lesser-known units and leaders at Antietam. These will include the original Iron Brigade of Colonel Walter Phelps, the 61st and 64th New York commanded by Colonel Frank Barlow, the New Yorkers of Colonel Harrison Fairchild’s brigade, Colonel “Grimes” Davis’s 8th New York Cavalry, and Major Karl Arndt’s all-German 1st New York Artillery Battalion. This lecture is based Jim’s research from his upcoming book The Empire State at Antietam.

James Rosebrock is a retired Army officer and Department of Justice employee, with 45 years of leadership experience in the logistics, security and emergency management fields. Jim graduated from Niagara University in 1976 with a degree in Russian History. Jim served with the 82nd Airborne Division during Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces where he was awarded a master’s degree in National Resource Strategy. Jim was an instructor for Combined Arms and Services Staff School when he retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He is a National Park Service certified battlefield guide at Antietam National Battlefield and served as Chief Guide from 2011 – 2018. He has two Civil War related blogs and is the author of the Artillery of Antietam.
Come join leading historians and scholars as they discuss intriguing topics about their latest works and research on the Maryland Campaign and the Civil War during our Civil War Summer Lecture Series.
These indoors programs are sponsored by the Jacob Rohrbach Inn and will be held in McKinley Hall at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. The church is located at 209W Main Street with a small parking area off the alley. More parking is available on Main and Hall Streets. These lectures free and open to the public. Each week we hold a drawing in which the proceeds support the Save Historic Antietam Foundation. Be sure to check our Facebook page for updates and changes to the schedule
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