Over the last few months we’re been doing a little work on the old Stable at the back of the Innkeepers house. It still needs a lot of work but the first steps are done.
We are not sure when this structure was originally built but it appears to be from the mid-1800s based on the stone work, some of the hewed logs and the metal hardware. We do know that in 1862, Lot 39 was owned by Elizabeth Russell and according to the 1877 map of Sharpsburg, S. Highberger owned lot 39. At some point before 1922, the lot was subdivided and the town parcels were renumbered. Lot 39, had become #224 and #225. According to the 1922 Sanborn Insurance map, a stone stable was in the back of the parcel and the wooden stable was behind the Inn. .

A couple of really neat features remain in the stable including the curved feed bins in each front corner, a center hay trough, and a small loft ladder in the center of the stable. We can only imagine what animals may have been taken care of in the stable.

The first and most important step was to replace the old tin roof that was filled with pin holes with new seamless galvanized steel panels. This process included replacing the roof deck and some of the rafters. (Thanks Antietam Roofing for the great work.)

Once the roof was done, we moved on to replacing some of the broken and rotted wood siding that had water and bird damage. Fortunately we were able to repurpose a few planks from the loft to use in the areas needing some TLC. To maintain the character of the siding, we used mesh screen to cover some large knot holes to prevent birds from getting into the stable to nest.

Next, the louver vent windows were repaired. For the most part, they were in fair condition. Only two bottom sills and a few bars needed to be replaced with some old hickory wood. On the inside, we covered the window with a piece of clear plexiglass to prevent big bugs, birds and debris from getting in as much as possible.
Finally it was time to give the Old Stable a fresh coat (or two) of paint. We kept the same low luster white paint which helps make the roof and stone work pop.

Over the summer our goal is to clean it out and reorganize all of the out buildings and garage. Hopefully in the not to distance future we’ll have the stone work repointed and the original doors put on the left side as the final refurbishment of This Old Stable.
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