Creme Brûlée Oranges are not only easy to make, but they also look impressive when served. The best part is they taste like a Creamsicle!
Servings – 4
- two oranges
- 6 teaspoons vanilla cream
- 4 tablespoon brown sugar
Vanilla Bean Creme
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- seeds from one vanilla bean
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 tablespoons heavy cream
- 3 tablespoon granulated sugar

To make them, cut oranges in half horizontally and then using a grapefruit knife, score the oranges along the pith lines. After that, cut around the circumference to loosen the segments, but make sure you don’t remove them.
Combined all the ingredients of the vanilla creme into blender and puree 10-15 seconds. Scrape down sides and blend again for 10 seconds. Makes a little over a cup and you can store the remaining in a airtight container in the refrigerator.

Next, spread a teaspoon or two of vanilla bean cream on top of the orange halves. Make sure to cover the orange completely and smooth it level. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brown sugar on top, ensuring that it covers the cream completely. If the sugar isn’t spread evenly, it won’t caramelize correctly.
Once done, place the halves on a cookie sheet. Place the cookie sheet in the oven under the broil setting for 1-3 minutes or until the brown sugar has melted and become bubbly. If you have a torch, you can also use it to brown the tops. Once done, remove the oranges from the oven and serve them immediately.
(Vanilla Bean Creme recipe adapted from “The Art of Breakfast”, Dana Moos)

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